Trust your original vision

Trust your original vision

Sometimes I have those phases of feeling like I know exactly where I’m headed, like everything makes 100% sense.

Things start to flow, ideas start connecting, and I’m in fully in tune with the vision.

Then a week, even a few days later I’m back at square 1.

Being completely lost, doubting the vision, seeing the greener grass on other fields.

Rethinking my choices, questioning if this is really the ‘right’ path for me.

The truth is, I really don’t know.

Who knows if what you’re doing right now is FOR YOU.

See, some people have that clarity which is what I always admired, that undeniable confidence that they’re on the right path with their passions.

but I’ve never had that, and if I do, it’s very brief.

if you we’re looking for answers in this letter, I have none.

I have not solved the riddle of the ‘right path’ or finding that avenue you want to go in.

but what I have solidified is my:


Throughout the past year, I’ve learned to slowly detach from the idea of the ‘right path’ and focus more on my principles.

What keeps me doing what I do every single day is my principles, and sticking to them with conviction.

What kind of person am I reinforcing myself to be going from skill to skill, not sticking to one thing, without fully committing to it?

What kind of person am I reinforcing myself when I quit things when they get boring, or they lose that honeymoon phase it had in the start?

Even though there could be something that i’m more suited for.. right now. at this moment, I’ve decided that I’m going to stick to it, so I will get good at this shit until I’m content with where I’ve gotten with my abilities.

No other routes, no other paths, this is where we at.

I would lose to myself if I didn’t fully commit to something I claimed I stood on.


If you feel like you’re in the same boat, of figuring out what to do, and not trusting yourself, questioning yourself..

Ay, I get the feeling completely, more than anyone else.

But right now, you’ve got to dial into whatever you’re doing, and stop questing yourself, do what you’re doing, do more of it.

Believe in the original vision, and keep pushing.

Most importantly, stay blessed along the way, and just have fun bro.

Hope you guys enjoyed this short letter.

more to come <3